La tribu Awali

Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback - Awali's family

La famille Awali se compose de deux mâles et de six femelles issus d'anciennes lignées de champions, reconnues dans le monde entier et non présentes en France.

Leurs robes sont dans le standard, allant de froment clair (light wheaten) à froment (wheaten). Les robes froment rouge foncées (dark red wheaten), un poil monochrome et un excès de tâches blanches ne sont pas recherchés dans le programme de reproduction.


Awali's family consists of two males and six females from former lines of champions, recognized worldwide and very few present in France.

Their coats are in the standard, ranging from light wheaten to wheaten. Dark red wheaten, a monochrome coat and an excess of white spots are not sought in the breeding program.

Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback - Merigal's Chivhu N'Mojo

Merigal's Chivhu N'Mojo

Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback - Diabou Omani Sangoma

Diabou Omani Sangoma

Kizazi Ajabu Ashka Wa Romae - Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback

Kizazi Ajabu Ashka Wa Romae

Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback - Kangelani's Valuable Vanita "Swahli"

Kangelani's Valuable Vanita "Swahli"

Awali Shombay Eko

Awali Thanzy Themba

Ihyago Abayomi Sangoma "Thanzi"

Awali Ubuntu Zuri

Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback
Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback
Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback
Awali Rhodesian Ridgeback